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Thursday 25 July 2024

News from NICO | Special Shadow Puppetry Show: "The Measuring Inchworm"

NICO's Lecture Hall 8 was the stage for an enchanting Shadow Puppetry performance on 22nd July 2024, as postgraduates presented "The Measuring Inchworm." This captivating show, part of their "Introduction to Acting" course, was an adaptation of A.K. Ramanujan's poem "The Transmigration of the Inchworm." The performance enthralled the audience for 15 minutes with its unique storytelling and artistic execution.

A.K. Ramanujan, a literary powerhouse from Mysore, India, was celebrated as a poet, scholar, translator, and playwright. His work spanned five languages: English, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, and Sanskrit, emphasizing the importance of both local dialects and classical forms. Ramanujan's poetry is renowned for its originality, complexity, and exploration of themes like cultural identity and displacement. His contributions helped bridge the gap between Indian and Western literature. Ramanujan's collection, “The Collected Poems," earned him a posthumous Sahitya Academy Award, one of India's most prestigious literary honors.

Monday 22 July 2024

News from NMAMIT | First place in the SAE Autonomous Drone Design Challenge

Team Aeroclub Nitte won the first place in the SAE Autonomous Drone Design Challenge organized by SAE India Southern Section at KCG College of Technology, Chennai from 18th to 20th July 2024. The team also won a special prize for the ‘Object Drop Mechanism’ they devised in the drone.

News from MRSMEMHS | Talk on POCSO Act

A talk on The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was delivered by Mr Sanjeev AP, Asst. Sub Inspector, Mulki Police Station on 19th July, 2024 at the school. He briefed on the Child Safety Act and its importance, Article 14, Child Rights, Importance of education, Child Marriage Prohibition Act, Sexual Harassment, Substance Abuse, NDPS Act 1985 – Narcotics and Child Trafficking.

Students of Classes VII, VIII, IX, POCSO Committee members, school bus crew and parents participated in the program. Mr Sanjeev advised the students to intimate the police if they found any illegal activities happening around them.

Principal Ms Shreelatha Rao presided over the program. Head Constable, Mr Jayaram and Constable Ms Swathi were present.

Exploring Nitte University's Engineering Opportunities

Engineering is a vast subject that has progressed exponentially in India in the past decade. 2015 to 2020, have been watershed years in science and innovation.

With a stable administration, many laws and programs have been put in place to foster a culture of innovation and absorb significant new technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and electric cars.

Growth of Technology And Engineering in India

According to research, intangible investments by private firms are increasing, as is an investment in R&D by multinational corporations. The most recent edition of the UNESCO Science Publication, a principal global analysis issued every five years, was released on June 11, 2021, covering the period from the last report in 2015.

According to the study, India has achieved significant progress toward its Sustainable Growth Goals (SDG), particularly those related to SDG 9 and the development of industry, infrastructure, and innovation.

There are several issues in the world today, both worldwide and domestically. At the same time, new prospects are emerging, particularly in India. Changes in technology, legislation, geopolitics, and the environment have created these opportunities. Five such big engineering projects in India can potentially create $300 billion over the next five years.

These prospects will benefit the whole ecosystem, including engineering service providers and their direct participation. Moreover, once accepted, these technologies can solve many of the country's problems in industries.

The engineering R&D market in India would grow from US$ 36 billion in FY19 to US$ 63 billion by FY25. In the next decade, India would require Rs. 235 trillion (US$ 3.36 trillion) in infrastructure investment (2020-29). As a result, engineering product exports are estimated to exceed $200 billion by 2030.

The industry's growth led to the introduction of unique subjects and specialisations from some leading institutes like NMAM Institute of Technology.

Variety of Subjects Available to Engineering Students in India.
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Data Science: These subjects are available in various combinations. You can select AI with Machine Learning or AI with Data Science. Additionally, NMAMIT also offers a combination of AI and robotics. Data science is concerned with managing, analysing, and interpreting large amounts of data in order to guide decision-making effectively.

    Algorithms are used in machine learning to examine data, learn from it, and foresee patterns. If you wish to do research, the discipline of data science is an excellent place to start. If you want to become an engineer and incorporate intelligence into software solutions, machine learning or, better yet, AI is the way to go.

  • Biotechnology: Biotechnology, at its most basic, is biology-based technology; biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that improve our lives and the health of our planet. Biotechnologists alter organisms or biological systems components to build new products or processes.

    They investigate the physical, genetic, and chemical properties of cells and tissues to find industrial applications for them.

  • Electronics & Communication Engineering: ECE (Electronics and Communications Engineering) is the study, design, development, and testing of electronic equipment utilised in diverse systems. Electronics and communications engineers also design and supervise the production of communications and broadcast systems.

    ECE is a fantastic choice if you are strong at communication and circuits. ECE has a wide range of applications. You can work in the IT business, aviation, telecommunications, and so forth. Electronics and communication engineers might potentially find work in the Indian armed services.

  • Electric Vehicle Technology: Students that study electric vehicles are prepared for product development jobs in the automotive, communications, solar, wind turbine, and innovative grid industries, as well as service jobs in the automotive business. Engineers may advance their careers by developing and creating appropriate solutions for electric automobiles.

    According to the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, India's electric car future is dynamic. By 2030, this industry will have created one million employees.

  • VLSI Design & Embedded Systems: Embedded systems design is concerned with developing code that will be executed on a flexible piece of hardware. VLSI is concerned with converting programming instructions into an integrated circuit structure.

    As devices like smartphones are being delivered with new features in ever-shorter cycles, there is a high need for competent, very-large-scale integration (VLSI) engineers to work on these products. As a result, there are plenty of advancement opportunities in the VLSI business.
  • Due to the need for expertise in these areas, it will benefit students to learn from professors and industry experts. That is precisely how it is taught at NMAMIT. Universities play an essential role in teaching engineering students to develop themes early on, ensuring their readiness for technology.

    We at NMAMIT provide programs that teach students about these technologies, either directly or indirectly, to prepare them for the transition of industries. Furthermore, we at NMAM Institute of Technology ensure that students obtain this expertise to stay ahead of the competition in the business.

AI & ML - How It Will Affect Engineering's Future

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two branches of computer science that are closely connected. These two technologies are among the most popular for developing intelligent systems.

Although these are two related technologies that are frequently used interchangeably, they are still distinct names in many situations. On a broad level, we may distinguish Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a larger idea that aims to produce intelligent machines that can replicate human thinking capabilities and behaviour
  • Machine learning is an application or subset of AI that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed.

ML and AI have a bright future because they give machines the power to learn, making them more human-like. ML and AI are presently used in a variety of fields, particularly those related to engineering.

Future of AI and ML - What Will It Look Like
Machine Learning is beginning to migrate to the cloud as a massive quantity of data becomes more readily available. Data Scientists will no longer write bespoke programmes or maintain infrastructure explicitly. Instead, AI and machine learning will assist systems in scaling, generating new models on the fly, and delivering faster and more accurate results.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are widely employed in the following industries:
  • Financial Trading
  • Personal Security
  • Online Search
  • Healthcare & Fitness
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Transportation & Conveyance

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have reached a vital tipping point, augmenting and extending practically any technology-enabled service, product, or application. People have worked hard in the post-industrialisation age to construct a machine that behaves like a person.

The thinking machine is AI's greatest gift to humanity; its magnificent entrance has abruptly modified the operating laws of commerce. Self-driving cars, digital assistants, robotic manufacturing workers, and smart cities have all demonstrated that intelligent machines are conceivable.

AI has altered most industrial areas, including retail, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, and media, and it continues to expand.

Since the pandemic, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has skyrocketed as the entire globe has pushed toward digitalisation. According to research conducted by Oxford University and Yale University, AI will surpass humans in many aspects and will automate all human employment over the next 120 years.

For example, AI may be better at translation than humans by 2024, create best-selling books by 2049, and do operations by 2053.

Role of AI & ML in Engineering - A Peek
Like many other sectors, engineering is being transformed by artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, even though these technologies appear to be everywhere, we must not lose sight of how magnificent they are and the incredible things they enable us to achieve today and in the future.

Engineers' responsibilities may change due to artificial intelligence and machine learning, but it may also allow them to achieve things they couldn't previously.

Artificial intelligence in the engineering sector employs both software and hardware components. As a result, machines will be able to support not just intelligent production lines and challenging manufacturing activities as they get more sophisticated but also create and enhance tasks over time with little or no human intervention via machine learning.

For example, automobile manufacturers have been using robots on the manufacturing line for quite some time, and they have progressed from doing simple technical duties to executing numerous precise motions necessary for some of the most complicated elements of the process.

Many of the activities that engineers are responsible for, such as design and simulation, may be aided by artificial intelligence systems. Consider how, once upon a time, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) was only a supplement to engineering but is now an essential element of the everyday workflow.

These technologies will assist engineers in enhancing their capabilities and allow them to explore design and weight-saving solutions previously unthinkable. Another way AI may help engineers is by automating low-value jobs, allowing engineers to focus on higher-value ones.

Machines will be beneficial in assisting with engineering judgement by utilising machine learning to detect patterns in data. While there are several advantages to using artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering, some engineers are afraid that robots may usurp their employment.

Automation has and will continue to take over work that people have historically done; nevertheless, this can liberate humans to accomplish higher-level activities and take over positions that require human-specific abilities that do not yet exist.

According to a University of Oxford assessment, scientific and engineering occupations are the least threatened and will profit the most from artificial intelligence capabilities. As AI and machine learning revolutionise the way engineers work, they must be ready to adapt to the latest technologies.

In addition, engineers must optimise the job so that interactions between people and robots are as unobtrusive as possible.

Universities can play a crucial role in educating engineering students on the benefits of AI and ML early on to ensure their preparation for the technology. As it is easy to mould their brains during the learning process, the operation of these technologies can become second nature to them and allow for faster progress in the developing industry.

We here at NMAM-IT offer programs that directly or indirectly teach students about these technologies to prepare them for the transformation of industries.

Visit our website or connect with our experts to know more about AI & ML and how they can be beneficial to your engineering future!

News from NMAMIT | Three-day FDP on ‘Recent Trends in Cyber Security: Tools and Techniques’

A Faculty Development Program on ‘Recent Trends in Cyber Security: Tools and Techniques’ was organized by the Depts. of Cyber Security and Information Science & Engineering in association with IQAC and Nitte Engineering Education Unit (NEEU) between 8th & 10th July 2024. The FDP was inaugurated on 8th July 2024 by Dr. Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Principal, NMAMIT, Nitte.

On the first day, Dr. Roshan Fernandes, Head, Dept.of Cyber Security conducted a session on 'Introduction to CyberCrime, Cyber Offences, Mobile and Wireless Devices'. The hands-on session in the afternoon was conducted by Mr. S Shyam Kumar, Asst. Professor, Dept.of Cyber Security, who demonstrated the basics of Network Analysis and OSINT tools, on how to be safe online by utilizing online tools and analyzing URL links.

On the second day, Ms. Chinmai Shetty, Asst.Professor, ISE, conducted a session on 'Tools and methods used in CyberCrime' and discussed the topics of Stegnography and tools used with effective hands-on demonstration. The afternoon session was conducted by Dr. Ravi B, Asst. Professor, ISE who demonstrated tools used in Ethical Hacking which was effective in understanding the importance of how real hacking takes place.

On the third day, Ms. Tanzila Nargis, Asst. Professor, ISE, conducted a session on ‘Understanding Computer Forensics’ where she discussed the importance of the Forensics domain, its scope along with the jobs related to this domain and types of Forensics. The afternoon session was hands-on by Mr. Shailesh Shetty, Director of Thaniya Technologies in which he demonstrated Social Engineering Attacks.

Friday 19 July 2024

News from NIA | Faculty achievements

Ar. Abhishek Nagaraj chaired a session and presented a paper titled “Assessment of DayLight Illuminance in Lux Levels in Studios and Classrooms” at the Euro Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-24) held during the period from 15th to 18th May 2024 at Marrakech, Morocco. The research paper focused on assessing daylight distribution in classrooms located in the Bengaluru region, using building simulation methodology.

The 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2024) builds on prior achievements to position itself as the key venue in the Euro-Mediterranean region for showcasing and debating cutting-edge environmental science research. EMCEI-24 aims to gather high-quality, original research papers for publication following peer review in the proceedings (indexed in Scopus).

On the occasion of World Environment Day 2024, Asst. Professor Ar. Aveek Ghosh attended the Youth Leader’s Conclave on ‘Environment and Disaster’, a national conference organised by the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India on 4th & 5th June 2024 at New Delhi. He presented a research paper titled ‘A shift towards a circular economy for building heat-resilient Indian cities’ on the thematic area of circular economy and resource efficiency (including waste management). The paper deliberated on the issue of urban overheating in Indian cities and the potential of a circular economy to mitigate the multifarious impacts of extreme heat. His study recognises that circular actions are underrepresented in national climate policies and remain a missing piece in climate action planning. The research reimagined future cities to adopt circularity in approaches to complement decarbonization measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The study concludes with a possible model to support sustainable scaling of clean energy transition and enhanced adaptation for building heat-resilient Indian cities.

News from NIA | Students of Nitte Institute of Architecture Create Striking Backdrop and Centrepiece for TEDx NitteDU

In a remarkable display of creativity, the 8th semester students of Nitte Institute of Architecture (NIA) wowed attendees at the recent TEDx event held on 9th June 2024. Under the theme “Delta Factor,” these budding architects designed and executed an awe-inspiring backdrop and centrepiece. “Designing the backdrop and centrepiece was both challenging and exhilarating,” said Rajath, one of the students involved. “We aimed to create something memorable that resonated with the TEDx ethos. Seeing our work come to life on stage was incredibly rewarding.” The stage design featured butterfly wings framing the performance space. These geometric wings, punctuated by voids and filled with three-dimensional triangles, symbolised transformation & beauty, creating a magical and ethereal atmosphere. The centrepiece, inspired by a butterfly’s metamorphosis, evolved through light, colour and form.

As NIA continues to nurture creativity and practical skills, its students are poised to leave a significant impact on the architectural world.

News from NIA | NIA invited to Infrastructure One Design School’s event - Infra Design Mahotsav at Hubli

Over two days of insightful interactions with fun-filled events, engaging workshops and impactful presentations, NIA presented the works of its students at a small exhibition, Infra Design Mahotsav at Hubli and engaged with aspiring young minds interested in exploring their careers in architecture. A small design workshop was also conducted to engage with the students. Prof. Vinod Aranha, Director, NIA and Ar. Dean D’Cruz, Design Chair at NIA enlightened the students about the profession of Architecture.

News from MRSMEMHS | Training program on National Curriculum Framework

A training program on National Curriculum Framework – Foundational Stage was held on 13th July, 2024 in the school. The resource person, Ms. Vamsheepriya Amar, Principal, MVJ International School, Bangalore introduced teachers to different aspects of NCF for foundational stage. NCF -2022 provides a roadmap for the development of curriculum and pedagogy, with a focus on promoting inclusive education and holistic learning.

Ms. Vamsheepriya guided the teachers with the method of maintaining documents and the play way method and child centric method of teaching approaches. 72 teachers from 7 different schools participated in the training.