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Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Orientation Programme for Parents & Students of I Year B.Com - NSAMFGC - Bengaluru

An Orientation Programme was held on 4th July 2015 for students of I Year B.Com and their parents. This was mainly to help them understand the Choice Based Credit System introduced by the Bangalore University last year and to acquaint them with the culture of the institution.

After the parents had registered their names and had some refreshments and coffee they were led into the seminar hall. The programme commenced with a welcome by the Principal who presented the audience with the history of the college, the various facilities it has to offer, the staff members, the initiatives taken as far as Add on Courses were concerned and then spelt out the expectations that the institution had from students.

Ms. Bhagya, the Vice Principal then elaborated on the Choice based credit system while Ms. Bhavya spoke about the ICWA & CPT course and the training that the college would offer for those opting for these courses.

Parents were then invited to clarify any doubts that they had. After some lively interaction, Mr. Ronald, English Faculty presented the vote of thanks.

It was a constructive and fruitful programme.

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