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Monday, 4 July 2016

The ‘New Waves’ an exciting and splendid Summer Camp - MRSMEMHS

The ‘New Waves’ an exciting and splendid Summer Camp guided by dynamic team comprising Dr. AVKM Sharma, Sr. Scientist, CFTRI Mysore, Mr. Praveen Kumar S, Director Vijnana Vahini, H D Kote, Dr. Harish Bhat, Researcher and Consultant IISc Bangalore and Chairman Science Society of India, Dr. Chandrashekar Balachandran , Geography educator, Founder and Director The Institute of Geographical Studies Bangalore, Mr. Sukhesh Serigar Principal Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement School, Sargur and Dr. Robert Clive G Associate Professor Crossland College Brahmavara ,commenced on 4th of July. Mr. Y N Salian, Principal MRP ITI, inaugurated the camp. In his address he expressed his happiness for the opportunity this camp has provided for the children of the school to associate and enrich themselves with accomplished.

The first session was dealt with by Dr. AVKM Sharma on ‘INNOVATION’ .He narrated with examples who an innovator is. An innovator is the one who devices things as the situation demands. All of us would have innovated certain things. This instilled confidence in all the participants that they too can be innovators.

In the next session Mr. Praveen Kumar S helped the participants to make automatic security alarm connecting wires on a bread board. This activity helped students to read the resistance of the resistor. Later participants were guided through various applications of chemical salts in laboratory as they performed different chemical reactions. On the second day, Dr. Harish Bhat discussed on what made the man an innovator. He gave a number of instances where most of the things were copied from nature from plants and animals. Helicopter from dragon fly, water resistant swim suits from the skin of shark, fine suturing needles that does not leave clue of suture from thorns of porcupine, design of superfast railway engines from kingfisher and many more. He urged participants to observe nature and to apply these principles to become innovators. Participants carried out experiments that showed exchange of gases taking place through stomata, mechanism of dispersion of seeds in pine cone and hydrophobicity in lotus leaf. They also calculated the amount of oxygen produced by a plant in a year.

The third day’s session was carried on by Mr. Chandrashekara Balachandran, on Geography. He highlighted that all of us are geographers as most of the daily life situations involve geography such as locating our home, classroom, making boundaries while playing and so on. He narrated four basic geography questions ie. Where is it?, Why is it there? So what? and What if? taking the example of Nepal earth quake. He explained the classification of resources based on source, supply, distribution, origin, ownership and development status with examples. Participants were involved in a group activity on ‘ Factors that need to be considered for location of an Industry’.

The fourth day of the camp was on ‘Why Humanities and what Next? by Mr. Sukhesh Serigar through hands on activities. Participants were made to understand What does success mean and values needed to succeed. Participants had to make an innovative item from paper cups, audit the school for energy consumption, prepare a chart on ‘Train’ using news papers and arrange zenga blocks on blindfolding. Participants took pledge to follow the traffic rules. On the final day, Dr. Robert Clive discussed about Life Skills. He stressed on the need to develop soft skills and life skills such as empathy, self awareness, attitude team work and time management to succeed, through a number of activities and heart touching videos. Participants were able to realise their own ability and factors resisting their success. It was a New wave where the participants could feel, create and identify their interests.

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