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Monday, 28 August 2017

Lecture by Dr. N.K. Thingalaya, Former Chairman and Managing Director, Syndicate Bank - Banks in the Indian Banking Sector - JKSHIM

Dr. N. K Thingalaya, former Chairman and Managing Director of Syndicate Bank and Professor-Emeritus of the Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management addressed the II MBA Banking Specialization students on the “Banks in the Indian Banking Sector” on 23rd August 2017. He gave an insight into the origin and present role of banks in India. Showing the historical achievements of the various banks, Dr. Thingalaya stated that Banking is one of the top most career choices made by students in India. He threw light on the structure of Indian Banking Sector and further discussed RBI Act, Banking Products and Services, KYC Documents, Anti Money Laundering, Payment Banks, SMS Banking etc. The all round demand for bank professionals has made public sector, foreign and multinational banks recruit more and more Banking Specialization graduates. Towards the end of the session, various career prospects in the banking sector were highlighted. The lecture was fruitful as students learned the fundamentals of banking that will really be helpful to them to crack an interview of any bank. Senior Professors of the Institute Dr. N.S. Shetty, Dr. Sudhir Raj K, Dr. Radhakrishna Sharma and Faculty Coordinator of the Banking Specialization Dr. Jnaneshwar Pai Maroor were present.

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