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Friday 28 July 2023

7 Trends For Students To Look Out For In Engineering!

Engineering education is one of the most popular majors among students in India. Every year, it attracts over 1.5 million students. In addition, engineers knowledgeable in emerging technologies and trends are in high demand due to Industry 4.0 and the developing digital economy. Hence, it has increased interest in computer science, robotics, AI, data science, and various other specialised fields. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, envisions fast change in technology, industries, and processes in the twenty-first century due to increased interconnection and intelligent automation. It has resulted in some of the industry's defining trends. Some engineering trends students need to look out for are:

Industry Convergence Through Visualisation 
For architects and engineers, interactive design visualisation will bridge the physical divide and offer up new options following the completion of Covid. Many businesses recognise that the fast-paced world of extended reality (XR) is the future work environment. Gaming and XR technologies (such as Iris VR) supplement typical AEC procedures by making virtual worlds more engaging and cost-effective, streamlining administration on complicated projects, and gaining client approval for proposals.

Norconsult, a Norwegian engineering business, is a recent example of this. It recently developed the Route E39 bridge utilising Unity's immersive virtual reality (VR) technology to define customer expectations early in the design process and accelerate decision making

Automation as a Labour and Supply-Chain Solution 
Automation will become an increasingly important tool for designing around material and skilled worker shortages, alleviating design-labour difficulties and supply-chain bottlenecks. Designing 100 buildings will result in 100 distinct visions, but with automation investment, a large percentage of design labour becomes semi automatic, especially when there is a dearth of engineers.

Design is also becoming more efficient. These technologies will become more beneficial in code-based design situations, saving architects and engineers time spent manually evaluating project parameters and allowing them to focus more on the creative work that distinguishes each design

Mechanical Engineering Automation 
There is an increase in 3D printing, a sophisticated procedure that uses CAD software to generate an object's model. It is a creative and automated programme for drawing 3D designs, which has made the mechanical trend more creative. As a result, there will be a revolution in mechanical engineering shortly, with specific emphasis on diverse streams such as Smart Materials, Automation, Robotics, Farm mechanisation, and Renewable energy systems (Solar, Tidal, Wind energy).

It will assist engineering students in significantly increasing their career opportunities, save time, obtain high-paying jobs, start a firm with less investment, and make the curriculum more practice-based Delivery Robots Are Becoming More Popular In most supply chains, the last step of product delivery, from the warehouse or distribution hub to the end-user, accounts for around 28 percent of the entire transportation cost of the product. The use of self-driving delivery robots in e-commerce will provide customers with better convenience at a lower cost and drastically alter the competitive environment. As a result, the delivery robot market is predicted to increase from €188 million in 2021 to almost €850 million by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35.1 percent during the forecast period. The decrease in last-mile delivery costs, more venture financing, and rising demand for delivery robots in the retail and food and beverage industries are driving market expansion

Expansion Of Environmental Biotechnology 
Biotechnology is also being used in various ways to promote sustainability and minimise environmental impact. It involves the development of biological organisms exceptionally engineered to break down plastics, allowing them to be recycled more effectively. Carbon established its first unit this year, specialising in the breakdown of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, extensively used in plastic bottles, using genetically engineered enzymes.

Other biotech-derived enzymes are being employed to develop novel detergents that are strong enough to be used in industrial cleaning operations while still being fully biodegradable. Biofuels are another very significant subject where we can expect to witness continued innovation in 2022. The creation of renewable energy from agricultural and industrial waste and algae is one of the new methods

An Increase in Digital Patient Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment 
The ability of online and remote evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients worldwide will undoubtedly strengthen the digitalisation component of biotech in 2022. There are currently many physicians and healthcare practitioners who are certified to practise online.

Virtual diagnoses are available to doctors which provide wireless device assistants. Some medical practitioners can even prescribe medication through virtual clinics using online databases

Rise Of Quantum Computing 
Over the last five years, searches for "quantum computing" have increased by 50%. Quantum computing is the application of quantum physics to conduct calculations, such as entanglement and superposition. As a result, it employs quantum bits (qubits) in the same manner that ordinary computers employ bits. Quantum computers can solve issues that would take millions of years for the world's most powerful supercomputers to solve.

IBM's System One is the world's first commercial circuit-based quantum computer. Companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Google are all vying to construct dependable quantum computers. Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionise data science. They may also hasten the development of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, big data, deep learning, cryptography, medicine, and other fields.

By staying on top of these trends, students will continually learn new skills, new events to attend, and new methods to be more productive. In addition, it will provide students with a choice of items to work with, allowing them to experiment with more things and produce new ideas. It can also help them get better job opportunities.

We here at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte University teach such industry trends through expert academia to ensure students receive a complete learning experience. B.Tech programs and curricula at Nitte University are designed to reflect emerging trends by equipping students with the necessary skills to break into the field.

Visit us or contact our team of experts to better understand the field of engineering and the opportunities that await!

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