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Monday 24 July 2023

News from NUCSER | Hands-on Training for Laboratory Support Personnel on Chemical Safety

A Hands-on Training on Chemical Safety was conducted for the Laboratory Support personnel of NUCSER on 15th July 2023. The objective of this activity was to appraise the necessity to bring about changes to reduce health & safety risks and lower environmental impact due to routine laboratory activities.

The resource person Mr Amith Lionel Ananda, Sr. Manager, Quality Control, Cardolite Speciality Chemicals India LLP discussed with the participants on various aspects of chemical safety including types of chemicals that could be hazardous, types of hazards due to chemical exposure, and most importantly the steps that can be taken to assess risks and reduce such hazards in routine laboratory activities. The use of various personal protective equipment used to ensure chemical safety were demonstrated. Role play and demonstrations in the laboratory on how to organise chemicals and work in a laboratory to ensure safety, were conducted.

Faculty members, research scholars, laboratory technicians, laboratory assistants and laboratory attenders participated in this training.

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