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Tuesday 29 August 2023

News from NIHS | Visit to Mangalore international airport

Mangaluru International Airport (MIA) reaffirmed its commitment to aviation security with the Aviation Security Culture Week celebration that got underway on July 31. The celebration is in sync with the directive given by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) to all stakeholders in the aviation industry to reinforce the idea that aviation security is everyone’s business. The celebration which consists of a series of activities, underscores the tagline - See It, Say It, Secure It.

To mark the event, the airport also conducted a mock drill under the aegis of CISF, simulating the crash of an aircraft carrying hazardous chemicals. Various State agencies participated in the drill to assess preparedness. The students of NIHS were active participants in this drill. Their role play included the role of passenger in the aircraft and as relatives, friends & family members of the affected passengers waiting at the arrival gate.

Students got a chance to be part of this exciting experiment and they interacted with officials from different departments of the Airport, airline staff, security staff, Police officers of different ranks, CISF and NDRF team members. Post debriefing by the CISF Chief, students were allowed to visit the Arrival and Departure terminals of the MIA and learnt about the Domestic and International passenger flying and arrival procedure.

Ms. Sanam, Aviation Management faculty arranged this particular activity for the students. 35 students along with 2 staff members took part in this activity.

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