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Friday 27 September 2024

News from NSAMPUC, Mangaluru | Inauguration of Commerce Association

The Commerce Association of Dr. NSAM Pre-University College was inaugurated on 17th August 2024 by Dr. M. Prabhakar Joshi, retired Principal, Besant Pre-University College and a renowned Yakshagana scholar.

Dr. Joshi highlighted the pivotal role of commerce in society's development by stating, "Commerce is the foundation of employment creation. Business is not merely a profession but a form of penance. Traditional and modern commercial practices are essential for the growth of both local and international trade. In today's rapidly changing era, e-commerce has brought a significant revolution to the business sector. Commerce students must remain vigilant and update their knowledge accordingly. The activities organized by the Commerce Association can offer practical experience that complements their academic learning, preparing them for the dynamic business world."

Presiding over the event, Dr. Naveen Shetty K, Principal emphasized the importance of commerce education in today's competitive environment. "The Commerce Association plays a crucial role in raising students' awareness of the latest developments in the business sector. By actively participating in the association's activities, students can gain a broader understanding of the career or business paths they may wish to pursue in the future," he said.

Dr. M Prabhakar Joshi was also honored during the event. The prayer was led by Sanvi & team, followed by a welcome address by Ms. Sangeeta Shetty. Ms. Shakuntala Shetty introduced the guests while M Adarsh Shetty delivered the vote of thanks.

The event was conducted by Likhita.

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