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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Importance Of Practical Learning In The Field Of Architecture | Nitte Blogs

The architectural field combines art, mathematics, science, and logistics in the planning and construction of structures. A degree in architecture will teach you how or when to accurately sketch building ideas by hand or using computer tools. The focus, concentration, and attitude of architectural education vary hugely worldwide, although almost all schools share a similar structure. A commonality throughout all architecture students' educational experiences is their reliance on individually focused, unrestricted design studios. The studio model is extremely important for architectural education. Still, because it promotes intuitive claims rather than evidence-based outcomes, it may harm the public that architects eventually create for. However, architectural education is best received when practical aspects are implemented in learning. A student will learn ten times better if visits a site rather than reading about it in books. These visits are one of the best ways to experience practical learning in the field of architecture.

Some reasons why studying architecture practically, including site visits, is essential-
  • Site visits enable an accurate and realistic experience of the area-
    It may appear different from actual space and have a feel which is very different from what we had imagined. Even though we may believe we know space or building inside and out due to all the time spent drawing plans, elevations, and sections in addition to producing photorealistic results. Physical elements like the time of day, the temperature, and the amount of foot traffic all impact how we perceive a room or building. Still, it is only when we are there that we can feel these factors in action and have a thorough picture of the area.

  • Helpful in gaining an understanding of the local culture-
    When a project is located in an area that is unknown to us, a site visit not only enables us to analyse but also introduces us to the local way of life and the region's distinct culture. No amount of research conducted in the office compares to being physically and psychologically immersed in the area while conducting fieldwork. This is crucial in order to develop design solutions that are considerate of and responsive to the unique requirements and characteristics of a location.

  • On-site training helps in comprehending construction-related details-
    Professionals generally are of the opinion that school-based architecture education rarely exposes students to construction procedures. When it comes to actual materials and construction, being on-site is beneficial. It allows us to witness how various materials and components come together as well as the processes and mechanisms involved in building. Schools are focused on teaching students to think conceptually and to sell their architectural designs. If you ask any expert in the sector, they'll probably admit that most of their understanding of the industry came through years of hands-on experience.

  • A chance to benefit from the experience of other experts-
    Meeting experts from different fields is typically part of site visits. Discussion of issues and potential solutions with experts like engineers, contractors, and electricians, helps us only learn about various fields. It is not only useful to our work but also to see how their knowledge is put to use in the field. Understanding a design's components from their point of view also enables us to anticipate and fix any issues in our design suggestions.

  • Awareness of potential safety issues-
    People wearing helmets are probably one of the first images that come to mind when we talk about a construction site, which highlights how crucial safety is there. We do not have to personally deal with the bulk and weight of this big material while designing or specifying a curtain wall glass panel on the computer. However, upon a site visit, the actual presence of big, heavy materials poses a direct risk to our safety. For the construction process to go smoothly and successfully, safety awareness is essential.

  • Helps in discovering why and how a design failed-
    Plans, elevations, sections, and construction details that we create in two dimensions don't always transition well into three dimensions. To fully comprehend how and why a design did not turn out as we had intended, it is helpful to visit the actual space or materials and speak with other professionals on-site. These lessons will give us the foresight we need to avoid making the same mistakes in the initiatives of the future.

Additionally, site visits give us a chance to develop useful life skills that we can use in our daily lives, in addition to gaining more technical and practical information about materials and construction methods.

Nevertheless, the value of all these possibilities for learning depends on how we use them. We may make our experience at a site visit far more engaging and important than it initially appears by paying more attention to the procedures and complications.

Nitte Institute of Architecture is one of the best learning institutes in India offering a practical learning experience to the architecture aspirants. It takes strength from the extensive curriculum, committed faculty, and talented students.

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