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Monday, 3 March 2025

New from NUCSER | Celebration of National Science Day 2025 at NUCSER

Nitte University Centre for Science Education and Research (NUCSER), in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and the Research Directorate of Nitte University, celebrated National Science Day on 28th February 2025, to promote scientific awareness amongst staff & students. On this occasion, renowned plant physiologist Dr. K Balachandra Hebbar, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasargod was felicitated for his outstanding contribution in the field of plant science research and innovation.

Prof. Anirban Chakraborty, Director, NUCSER welcomed the gathering and highlighted the impact of Sir CV Raman’s discovery and the need for an interdisciplinary approach for science to become relevant for society. Prof. (Dr.) Praveen Kumar Shetty, Director (R&D), Nitte University introduced Dr. Hebbar to the audience.

Dr. Hebbar underscored the importance of scientific interventions in the field of agriculture with examples of how it benefited the various domains in agriculture, including crop improvement, soil quality, water harvesting, post-harvest practices and delivery & marketing. In his presidential address, Prof. Harsha Halahalli, Registrar, Nitte University appealed to the students to pursue scientific inquiry and authentic research and not to compromise on the essence of science. PG and PhD students who excelled in Anveshan, the university-level science competition, were awarded prizes. Dr. Nesara Kadanakuppe, Convener of IIC, delivered the closing remarks. The poster-making and quiz competition, engaged the students in creative and intellectual pursuits.

The afternoon session, hosted at NUCSER, included the felicitation of another distinguished scientist, Prof. (Dr) CN Ravishankar, Director & Vice-Chancellor at ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, GoI Mumbai for his outstanding contribution in the field of aquatic sciences. Prof. Indrani Karunasagar and Prof. Iddya Karunasagar, senior scientists at the university, were the guests of honour. The winners of the poster, quiz and innovation showcase competition received cash awards and certificates. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Sudarshan Kini, Faculty Coordinator of NUCSER. Dr. Akshatha, faculty, NUCSER moderated both the events.

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