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Sunday, 19 March 2023

News from KSHEMA | Public Awareness Program on World Hearing Day

The Department of ENT, KS Hegde Medical Academy and Nitte Institute of Speech & Hearing, in association with the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board and Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Karavali Branch, Mangalore, observed World Hearing Day on 3rd March 2023.

Prof. (Dr) Vadisha Bhat, Head, Dept. of ENT welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest, Ms. Geetha Kulkarni, Asst Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Mangalore, addressed the audience and emphasised on educating the public on traffic rules, especially the effect of sounding horn.

Guest of Honour, Vijaya Hegde, Sr. Environmental Officer, KSPCB, emphasised the involvement of policy-making Government bodies and the public, in educating the masses on noise pollution and the hurdles faced in bringing lasting changes in the system.

As part of the NISHABDA Project, a book on noise pollution and its hazards, was released.

Dr. Shravan Alva, Asst Prof, Dept of ENT and Dr Jim, Dept of Speech & Hearing distributed prizes to the winners of the Essay and Slogan Writing competitions, which was part of the NISHABDA project to create awareness on noise pollution amongst children.

Prof (Dr) Shankar Medikeri, National President-elect, AOI, was felicitated during the program. In his address, he laid specific importance on newborn deafness screening and the importance of hearing aids. He also laid emphasis on providing hearing care to all age groups.

Prof (Dr) Satheesh Kumar Bhandary B, Vice Chancellor, Nitte DU, in his presidential remarks, stressed the importance of educating the younger generations about noise pollution and its impact. Prof T Dattatreya, Director, NISH; Sri. Ramesh KM, Environment Officer, KSPCB and Dr Vinay V Rao, Secretary, AOI Karavali were also present.

Prof Shweta, Principal, NISH gave the vote of thanks and Dr Salonee Shenoy compered the program.

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