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Friday 9 June 2023

News from JKSHIM | A one-day research workshop on the topic, "Reference Management Tools, Biometrics and Systematic Literature Review'

The Research Centre of Justice K. S. Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte organized a one-day research workshop on the topic, "Reference Management Tools, Biometrics and Systematic Literature Review' on 3rd June 2023 at the Institute for researchers of Nitte University.

Dr. Amitabh Anand, Assoc. Professor of Excelia Business School, France the resource person, conducted an interactive workshop. Around 30 researchers registered and actively participated in the workshop. Dr. T. Mallikarjunappa acted as the Faculty coordinator.

Dr. Niranjan Chiplunkar, Principal, NMA Institute of Technology, inaugurated the workshop and Dr. Gururaj H Kidiyoor, Director, JKSHIM presided over the function.

Dr. T. Mallikarjunappa welcomed the gathering. Dr. Sudhir Raj K, Professor, compered the program and also proposed a vote of thanks.

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