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Friday 14 July 2023

News from NUCSER | Life Mission: Towards protection of the Environment.

Nitte University Centre for Science Education & Research and the Institution Innovation Council, Nitte (DU), organised a guest lecture on “Life Mission: Towards protection of the Environment” on 13th July, 2023 at the University Auditorium, Paneer campus.

Dr. Anirban Chakraborty, Director, NUCSER, welcomed the gathering. He reflected on "Mission LiFE", a global initiative undertaken by PM Shri Narendra Modi for taking individual and collective action for protecting and preserving the environment.

The dignitaries planted a tissue-cultured tree sapling of Millingtonia hortensis L “The Indian Cork Tree” developed at the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, NUCSER.

Dr. Srinikethan G, President of IIC, Nitte DU spoke about the importance of the program and urged the audience to undertake environmental friendly behavior to develop a sustainable world.

Dr Ravi D R, Environmental Officer, KSPCB, Mangalore was the chief guest and invited speaker. He interacted with the audience and stressed on 'mindful and deliberate utilization of resources' in place of “mindless and destructive consumption behaviour". He convened a pledge ceremony, that encouraged the allegiance of the participant towards developing an environmental friendly and ecologically sustainable behaviour.

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