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Sunday 2 July 2023

News from NUINS | A valedictory program

A valedictory program was organised for the third batch of students [5 students] from VIA University College, Aarhus N- Denmark and Copenhagen Professionshojskole- Denmark on 16th June 2023 at Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences.

The program started with a welcome song by the Danish students.

Ms. Latha S welcomed the audience.

Ms. Julei, Ms. Nora, Ms. Fanny, Ms. Rose and Ms. Nora Hagtvedt presented their 7 weeks of comprehensive internship report.

Prof. (Dr.) Srinivas Bhat, HoD, Psychiatry, K.S Hegde Charitable Hospital was the Chief guest for the program. In his address he emphasised the significance of intellectual flexibility, receptiveness, and behaviour modification as three crucial aspects in a student's life for greater learning.

Ms. Cleeta Anlie Pinto, Principal School of Nursing presided over the program. Ms. Prathima proposed the vote of thanks and Ms. Timi Thomas compered the program.

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