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Tuesday 1 August 2023

News from NICO | The art of storytelling - An interactive session with author Anup Kumar

The Literary Club of Nitte Institute of Communication organized an interactive session with the author of the book “Six in the Evening” on Monday, 26th June 2023 at the Institute premises. A man of many talents, Anup Kumar, is a civil engineer, a businessman, a biker, a solo traveller and now an author. He spoke of his journey, both actual - from Mangalore to Haridwar - and philosophical, describing the people he met on the way, the people who contributed to his spiritual growth, the actual challenges of getting caught in a faraway land during lockdown and his journey back home.

While working in Bangalore, bitten by the travel bug and the writer’s itch, he gave up the stability of a corporate job, for the uncertainty of travel and writing. Long travels, interesting conversations with people he met on the way and a lot of rumination later, the book “Six in the Evening” was born.

The talk was followed by a Question & Answer session where he introduced students to the challenges of book publishing. “Hurdles notwithstanding, one should never give up writing if one enjoys it and being students of media & communication and having access to all the facilities, there is nothing that can stop you”, he said. The session concluded with Anup Kumar distributing signed copies of his book to students. Prof Raviraj, Head, NICO spoke briefly about the Art of Storytelling and the challenges faced by first time writers in publishing and marketing their books.

Dr Pranamya Bhat, Asst Professor, Nitte University and Coordinator of the Literary Club introduced Anup Kumar to the gathering.

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