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Friday 1 September 2023

News from NICO | Orientation program

Orientation program for first year students of BA (Honors) Media & Communication was held on 16th August 2023 at the Institute premises.

The morning session began with the formal orientation at the University, presided over by Prof (Dr) M S Moodithaya, Vice-Chancellor and Dr Prasad Shetty, Controller of Examinations, both of whom had something motivating to tell students. While the Vice-Chancellor called upon students to be self-starters, the Controller shared an anecdote on how honesty always wins.

The afternoon session in the college was presided over by Prof. Raviraj, Head of the Institute, who spoke at length on media ethics. In the present day where there is an information overdose, he explained with examples how important it is to read & believe in only facts and to pause before forwarding fake news. He explained with examples the horrors of fake news and the tragedies that are caused.

The students were oriented to the program, the curriculum, the Clubs & Committees and the events that the Institute organizes every year.

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