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Friday 30 August 2024

Anti-Ragging Awareness Week | Nitte (Deemed to be University)

Nitte (Deemed to be University) is a part of the Nitte Education Trust which has 36 institutions in its fold spread over three sprawling campuses at Nitte, Mangalore and Bangalore. Nearly 25,000 students study at Nitte Institutions.

The University has attracted students from almost all the states of India as well as from a dozen international destinations. At Nitte University we follow a policy of zero tolerance towards ragging of any form. Students admitted to the fresher courses as well as their parents are given assurances from the respective college administrations that they will be protected from ragging of any kind. The students and their parents are compulsorily made to undertake the anti-ragging affidavits and made to understand the serious offence associated with ragging. Strict instructions are periodically given to the seniors along with constant vigilance and monitoring to ensure that the campus is free of ragging both during the administrative and the non-administrative awareness in sire d the campus, hostels, mess and common areas. Awareness is created among the seniors about the dire consequences of ragging through posters, periodic circulars talks by the heads of the institutions and role plays. The message that is being sent to the seniors at Nitte DU is very clear and loud – that at Nitte DU we have a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and that very strict punishment will be meted out to the perpetrators of this serious crime, irrespective of their seniority or social standing.

Anti-Ragging Awareness Week

The Constituent Institutions observed the Anti-Ragging Week from 12th to 17th August, the report of which is detailed below:

Observation of anti-ragging awareness week at NUCSER
The Anti-ragging Committee of Nitte University Centre for Science Education and Research organized several activities from 12th to 17th August 2024 as part of the anti-ragging week to raise awareness about the importance of preventing ragging on campus. These events were aimed at educating students about the harmful effects of ragging and promoting a ragging-free campus culture. The week began with a poster-making competition for NUCSER students. The event was conducted in the seminar hall of NUCSER on 12th August which also marks the anti-ragging day. The theme of the competition was “Ragging: A Crime, not a Tradition,” emphasizing the serious nature of ragging and dispelling any misconceptions of it as a harmless tradition. A total of 18 teams including students of undergraduate and postgraduate programs participated in the event, each creating powerful posters that conveyed the message against ragging and its harmful effect on students. The posters were judged and the competition winners will receive the prizes during the fresher’s day to be conducted later this month. All posters prepared by students were displayed on notice boards to further spread the anti-ragging message. During the institute-specific PG orientation at NUCSER on 16th August, students were informed about the anti-ragging policies and the legal consequences of engaging in ragging. They were also encouraged to report any instances of ragging and contribute to a safe and inclusive academic environment. In addition, online affidavits which the students filled were verified.

The final day of the awareness week, 17th August, featured the anti-ragging awareness march. The march was organized with the participation of around 250 students, faculty members, and staff. The walk began at the entrance of the Paneer campus and concluded at the nursing college. The participants displayed posters made by them and called out slogans throughout the walk to draw the attention of the students of other institutions situated within the campus. This event successfully gathered attention, creating awareness about the serious implications of ragging.

The students of NUCSER also attempted to send out a strong message through a street play to create awareness about the dangers of ragging. It vividly depicted the emotional and physical trauma caused by ragging. The senior students of the institute took the initiative to make the freshers feel secure by highlighting the hazards of ragging and the social repercussions involved with ragging through a street play. The performance was well-received by the audience, with many appreciating the realistic portrayal of the issue and the need for vigilance and empathy in fostering a safe academic environment.


Anti - Ragging Awareness Week - 2024 Activities at NICO

Name of event: Anti - Ragging Awareness Week
Date: 12th August - 19th August, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Venue: Nitte Institute of Communication
Mode: In person
Target audience: I BA Students of Nitte Institute of Communication

Brief Report:
Nitte Institution of Communication (NICO), Mangalore, successfully organised a week-long Anti-Ragging Awareness Week from August 12th to August 19th, 2024. The event, aimed at raising awareness and educating students about the dangers and consequences of ragging, featured a series of engaging activities and competitions.

Inauguration and Orientation
The week commenced with the inauguration by Prof. Dr. P V Satya Prasad, Head of the Department, who set the tone for the event. Following the inauguration, Mr. Adithya Jnana, Lecturer and Counsellor at Nitte DU, conducted an informative orientation session. He engaged with students to discuss the harmful effects of ragging and the associated legal and punitive measures, providing crucial information on preventing and addressing such issues.

During the NICO Orientation Day on 5th August, during the faculty interaction with the students, all the faculty members highlighted the anti-ragging measures which are in place and the need to follow the same. Students also signed an anti-ragging declaration form at the time of admission. 

Competitions and Results

The week was filled with various competitions centred around the theme of anti-ragging, each designed to foster creativity and awareness among students.

Slogan Writing & Essay Writing Competitions
▪ Judge: Dr. Anisha, Associate Professor, NICO

Slogan Writing Results:
▪ 1st Place: Sain George & Zoya Taufik (shared)
▪ 2nd Place: Miriam Abigail

Essay Writing Results:
▪ 1st Place: Abraham
▪ 2nd Place: Nehal Shankar

Poster Making & Collage Competitions (August 13th)
▪ Judge: Dr. Nesara, Associate Professor, NICO

Poster Making Results:
▪ 1st Place: Abdul Muneeb
▪ 2nd Place: Sathis Naik

Collage Results:
▪ 1st Place: Blue House Team (Isita, Shahir, Vaibhav)
▪ 2nd Place: Red House

Debate Competition (August 14th)
▪ Moderator: Mr. Prakash, Assistant Professor

The debate provided a platform for students to express their views and engage in critical discussions about anti-ragging.

Logo Design & Reel Making Competitions (August 17th)
◦ Judge: Mr. Prakash, Assistant Professor

Logo Design Results:
▪ 1st Place: Ms. Amrutha
▪ 2nd Place: Yashas B

Reel Making Results:
▪ 1st Place: Team Yellow
▪ 2nd Place: Green House

Photography Competition
▪ Judge: Mr. Prajwal, Assistant Professor, NICO

▪ 1st Place: Mr. Arfaan

Additional Activities

Throughout the week, anti-ragging TVCs (Television Commercials) were screened to further educate students about the issue. The week concluded with an interactive session where students discussed the problems of ragging with faculty, deepening their understanding of the subject.

Closing Ceremony
The final day, August 19th, featured a prize distribution ceremony where winners of all competitions were honoured. The event concluded with a short feedback session, allowing participants to share their experiences and reflections on the week’s activities.

Name of event/activity - BE A BUDDY NOT A BULLY Anti-Raging Awareness Poster Designing/Drawing
Date: 17.08.2024
Time: 11:00am to 12:00 Noon
Venue: Cafeteria
Target audience – All Students of NIHS

Brief description
A poster-making competition titled "Be a Buddy and Not a Bully" was organized on August 18th 2024 as part of the institution's anti-ragging awareness campaign. The event aimed to promote a ragging-free environment by encouraging students to express their ideas creatively through art. The competition attracted participants from all classes, all eager to contribute to the cause of fostering a supportive and inclusive campus culture. The theme, "Be a Buddy and Not a Bully," resonated with the participants, inspiring them to create impactful posters that depicted the importance of camaraderie, respect, and kindness among peers. The posters showcased a variety of messages, ranging from the importance of standing up against ragging to the value of friendship and mutual support. Many participants used powerful imagery, slogans, and symbolic elements to convey their messages effectively.

It was evident that the competition had succeeded in raising awareness about the harmful effects of ragging and the importance of fostering a positive environment.

All the posters displayed at the cafeteria – a common meeting point for all students to serve as a constant reminder of the values promoted by the competition. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from the organizers, who expressed their gratitude to the participants. Overall, the poster-making competition was a significant step towards promoting a culture of friendship and respect, reinforcing the message that being a buddy, not a bully, is the foundation of a harmonious community. 16 student teams participated in this particular event.

Photographs / videos (1 or 2)

During Anti-Ragging Week, from August 12-18, 2024, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy (NIPT) implemented a comprehensive campaign to combat ragging and promote a positive campus environment. The week featured several key activities organized and monitored by the institute’s Anti-Ragging Coordinator, Mr. Krishna Prasad K M.

A major highlight of the week was the offline drawing competition held on August 17 at 10 AM in the Yoga Hall. This event invited students to visually represent their understanding of anti-ragging themes, allowing them to creatively address the issue and engage in meaningful dialogue about its impact. The competition not only showcased students’ artistic talents but also encouraged them to reflect on the importance of a safe and respectful academic atmosphere.
In parallel with the drawing competition, the institute displayed a series of informative posters throughout the campus. These posters were strategically placed to maximize visibility and provided critical information on the consequences of ragging, as well as details on how to report incidents confidentially. The visual campaign aimed to continuously remind the campus community of the institute’s strict anti-ragging policies and the available support systems.

1. Posters Displayed in Students WhatsApp group, And College Display

2. Drawing competition brochure and Activities


Anti-Ragging Day: 12th August 2024

Anti-Ragging Week: 12th to 18th August 2024

Venue: A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Nitte, DU. The Anti-Ragging Week at A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Nitte (Deemed to be University), culminated with Anti-Ragging Day on 18th August 2024. This week-long initiative was designed to create awareness about the dangers of ragging and to foster a welcoming and safe environment within the institution.

Anti-Ragging Workshop
The workshop held on Anti-Ragging Day featured informative sessions led by esteemed faculty members. The key highlights of the event included:

• Address by Prof. Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak (Principal & Dean): Prof. Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak underscored the institution's steadfast commitment to combating ragging and ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.

Guidelines by Prof. Dr. Rahul Bhandary (Dean of Students Welfare): Prof. Dr. Rahul Bhandary provided valuable insights into the role of students in maintaining a ragging-free campus, emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior, respect, and cooperation among all members of the institution.

• Rules & Regulations by Prof. Dr. Amarshree Shetty (Associate Dean of Students): Prof. Dr. Amarshree Shetty shared detailed information about the anti-ragging rules and regulations applicable to the institution. She outlined the consequences of participating in ragging activities and encouraged students to report any incidents promptly.

Code of Conduct by Dr. Preethesh Shetty (Assistant Dean of Students): Dr.Preethesh Shetty presented the code of conduct expected from students, stressing the importance of respecting the rights and dignity of fellow students and avoiding any behaviour that could be deemed as ragging.

Overall Impact
The Anti-Ragging Week at A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences was a resounding success, thanks to the active participation of students, faculty, and staff. The Quiz Competition, awards ceremony, and informative sessions played a crucial role in enhancing awareness about anti-ragging and fostering a positive campus culture. The institution’s commitment to eradicating ragging is evident through its proactive efforts and the collaborative spirit demonstrated by all members of the community. As we move forward, let us continue to uphold the values of respect, inclusivity, and integrity, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all students.


As suggested in the UGC's letter dated 8 July 2024. The celebration activities were held throughout the entire week and followed by an anti-ragging awareness orientation program.

The Anti-Ragging Awareness Program was successfully conducted for a week(14th -19th August ) at the Chintana Hall, Nitte Institute of Speech and Hearing, Nitte Deemed to be University. On the 19th of August, 2024, awareness talk was organised for the students. This event, aimed at promoting awareness and reinforcing the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful campus environment. The program was attended by 120 participants, including students from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year B.Sc. programs as well as 1st and 2nd year M.Sc. programs, along with faculty members. The following activities were conducted at the institute for students and exciting prizes were awarded.

Program Overview
The event commenced with a warm welcome and an introductory speech by the Student Welfare Officer, Ms. Akhila Rahul, who emphasized the significance of the Anti-Ragging Awareness Week. The program featured a series of activities (throughout the week) and talks designed to engage students and foster a deeper understanding of the importance of anti- ragging initiatives. 

Key Highlights.
• Poster and Logo Making Competition:
As part of the awareness week, a Poster and Logo Making Competition was held, with enthusiastic participation from students across various years.

Winners of Poster Making Competition:
▪ 2nd Prize: Ms. Shaza Parveen, 2nd-year BASLP
▪ 1st Prize: Ms. Vaibhavi, 2nd-year M.Sc. Audiology

Winners of Logo Making Competition:
▪ 2nd Prize: Mr. Pradeep, 2nd-year M.Sc. Audiology
▪ 1st Prize: Mr. Somaraj, 2nd-year M.Sc. Audiology

◦ The prizes were presented by the distinguished guest, Ms. R. Anitha Blessie.

• Guest Speaker Talk:
◦ A significant highlight of the program was a talk by Ms. R. Anitha Blessie, who delivered an enlightening session on the critical role of anti-ragging measures in creating a supportive campus environment. Her insights were greatly appreciated by all attendees.

Closing Ceremony
The program concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Dhananjay Rachana, Assistant Professor and Secretary of the Anti-Ragging Committee. A token of appreciation was presented to Ms. Anitha by Ms. Shwetha, Principal of Nitte Institute of Speech and Hearing and Chairperson of the Anti-Ragging Committee.

The Anti-Ragging Awareness Week Program was a resounding success, with active participation from students and faculty, contributing to the overall goal of fostering a culture of respect, kindness, and awareness on campus. The event not only highlighted the importance of anti-ragging measures but also engaged students in creative activities that reinforced these values. Enclosed with this text are photographs from the event. Brochure and E-posters & Logo are enclosed in the mail.

Photographs of the event

Name of the Event: Observing Anti-Ragging Day and Anti-ragging Week 2024
Date: 16-8-2024, Friday
Time: 3.00 PM
Venue: Auditorium
Mode: In-person
Target audience: All 2nd year students, Faculty and Staff members of the Institute.

Event Description:
The program began with a brief introduction about the event, “Observing Anti-Ragging Day and Anti-Ragging Week 2024,” by the Master of Ceremony, Abhishek N. Shetty (Second year MBA Student) followed by performance by two teams on effects and consequences of ragging. Omkar and team of second-year MBA students gave the event's opening performance. Team had presented a powerful emotional skit and conveyed their message about the psychological and physical effects of bullying and its aftereffects. Neha B. S Madiwala and team of second-year MBA students presented the next performance, which was a mime act that highlighted the severe consequences of engaging in ragging. A second-year MBA student, Akhil MN, was filming and photographing the entire program. The master of ceremony acknowledged the support of all.

Photographs and Videos:
The video can be viewed using the URL below-

The video can be viewed using the URL below-

The Anti-Ragging Awareness Program at JKSHIM, Nitte was a resounding success. The event successfully raised awareness about the detrimental impact of ragging and encouraged students to foster a harmonious and respectful campus culture. The performances by two teams left a lasting impression on the audience, reinforcing the message of zero tolerance for ragging. By organizing such events, JKSHIM, Nitte demonstrates its commitment to providing students with a safe and conducive learning environment.


Anti-ragging week: Plan of Action ( 12th August to 19th August, 2024)

Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024

Venue: LG1-02
Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024: Welcome and Introductory Remarks by Dr. Veenakumari B K, Principal

Venue: LG1-02 Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024: Review of the anti-ragging policy and its effectiveness by Mr. Diliph H G, Sub Inspector, Karkala Rura
l Police Station

Venue: LG1-02 Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024: Anti Ragging System at Nitte (DU) by Dr. Rekha Bhandarkar, Deputy Registrar, Nitte (DU), Off Campus Centre, Nitte.

Venue: LG1-02
Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024: Disciplinary System in the Campus by Sri Yogeesh A Hegde, Director, CMD

Venue: LG1-02
Anti-Ragging Committee Meeting on 16-08-2024: Actions taken to curb ragging and Vote of thanks by Mr. Ramesh Moolya, Student Welfare Officer

Venue: LG1-02

Date: 19th August, 2024


Report on Anti-ragging awareness and oath taking

Date: 19th August, 2024
Report on Anti-ragging awareness and oath taking

Date: 17th August, 2024
Venue: College Quadrangle
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Beneficiary: NSS Volunteers
Responsibility/ Organiser: NSS Units

The Dr. N.S.A.M. First Grade College, Nitte has taken proactive steps to create Anti-Ragging Awareness from the very beginning of the admission process. During the orientation program, students were provided with detailed information about ragging, its consequences, and the legal actions that can be taken against it. Throughout the year, the college appointed 32 Student Mentors to support and guide juniors, ensuring that no incidents of ragging occur on campus. In line with these efforts, the college's NSS Units organized an Anti-Ragging Awareness and Oath-Taking program on August 17, 2024. This event aimed to educate students about the dangers of ragging, promote positive behavior, and reinforce the college's firm commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment. The NSS Program Officers and Student Secretary acted as disseminator of information.

NSS Program Officer

Anti- Ragging Oath Taking on 17-08-20244 By NSS Units
Venue: College Quadrangle

Anti-Ragging Awarenss by Mr. Namiraja, NSS Program Officer

Venue: College Quadrangle

A Report on Poster Making Competition

Event: Poster Making Competition on Anti-ragging
• Date: 13th August 2024
• Time: 02:50 PM - 04:00 PM
• Venue: LH-105
• Mode: Off-Line
• Target Audience: All students of the college (B. Com, BBA, BSc, and BCA)
• Organization Association: Commerce Association

Brief Description: On 13th August 2024, the Commerce Association organized a Poster Making Competition on the theme of anti-ragging, aimed at raising awareness among the undergraduate students. The event was held in LH-105 from 2:50 PM to 4:00 PM in an offline mode. The competition served as a platform for students to express their creativity while promoting the message of a ragging-free environment on campus. The participation from students was commendable, with enthusiastic involvement from various classes. The posters created by the participants reflected a deep understanding of the importance of creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all students. The vibrant posters highlighted slogans, and creative ideas that addressed the serious issue of ragging and its harmful consequences.

*Judges evaluated the posters based on relevance to the theme, creativity, Neatness, visual impact. The top two posters were awarded certificates and prizes, recognizing the efforts and originality of the students. This competition not only fostered creativity but also reinforced the message of unity and respect among students.

Outcome: The event was a resounding success, promoting awareness and solidarity against ragging and greater involvement of students in discussions about preventing ragging.

* Name of judges
1. Mrs. Malini J. Rao Assistant Professor Grade -III (Dept of Commerce and Management.)
2. Mrs. Ritu Pujari. L Assistant Professor (Dept of Commerce and Management)
3. Mrs Nikshitha Assistant Professor (Dept of Commerce and Management)

Staff Advisor-Commerce Association
Poster Making Competition on 13-08-2024

Venue: LH-105

Report on Essay writing competition
Topic: "The Role of Social Media in Promoting Anti-Ragging Awareness"
Date: 19th August 2024
Venue: LH-105, Dr NSAM FGC Nitte
Participants: Rovers and Rangers, Electoral Literacy Club Students

An essay competition was organized on 19th August 2024, for students from the Rovers and Rangers and the Electoral Literacy Club of Dr NSAM First Grade College, Nitte on the topic "The Role of Social Media in Promoting Anti-Ragging Awareness." The event aimed to engage students in a critical discussion on how social media can be a powerful tool in spreading awareness about the harmful effects of ragging and fostering a safer and more inclusive educational environment.

The competition witnessed active participation from students across various disciplines, who brought diverse perspectives to the discussion. The event provided a platform for the Rovers and Rangers and members of the Electoral Literacy Club to express their views and showcase their writing skills.

The essays reflected the students' deep understanding of the subject matter. Key themes explored included:
The potential of social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram in disseminating anti-ragging messages.
The role of influencers and digital campaigns in creating a culture of zero tolerance towards ragging.
The impact of social media in amplifying voices against ragging incidents and providing support to victims.

Strategies to harness social media for educational institutions to build robust anti-ragging policies.

The essay competition was a successful initiative, sparking insightful discussions on the role of social media in combating ragging. It also encouraged students to think critically about how digital platforms can be used for positive social change, particularly in creating safer and more supportive educational environments. 36 students have actively participated in the competition.

Staff Advisor-Rovers and Rangers

Anti Ragging Week-Essay Writing Competition


Title of Event : Video depiction on Preventive measures on ragging
Date and Time : 16/08/2024, 3 .00pm – 4.00 pm
Venue : I year B.Sc Nursing students

Beneficiaries : NUINS Faculty [2] Computer Assistant (1) I Year B.Sc Nursing students(100)
Organizers : Antiragging Cell

Total number of beneficiaries: 103

To create an awareness among Freshers on the preventive measures of Ragging

The Antiragging cell ,NUINS organized a Video assisted programme on creating awareness among Freshers on the Preventive measures of Ragging on 16th August 2024 between 3.00 Pm to 4 pm in I year BSc (N) class room . The Videos were depicted from the UGC site and was displayed in the classroom. A link was also shared in the group for the students to understand the stringent measures adopted by UGC for the offenders if found to be guilty .

The session came to an end at 4Pm.

Outcome: The students were able to grasp the importance of Discipline throughout their tenure in the campus.

Title of Event : Video depiction on Preventive measures on ragging
Date and Time : 23/08/2024, 12 .00pm – 1.00 pm
Venue : I year GNM students

Beneficiaries : NUINS Faculty [2] Computer Assistant (1) I Year GNM students(80)
Organizers : Antiragging Cell

Total number of beneficiaries: 83

To create an awareness among Freshers on the preventive measures of Ragging


The Antiragging cell ,NUINS organized a Video assisted programme on creating awareness among Freshers on the Preventive measures of Ragging on 23rd August 2024 between 12 noon to 1 Pm in I year GNM class room . The Videos were depicted from the UGC site and was displayed in the classroom. A link was also shared in the group for the students to understand the stringent measures adopted by UGC for the offenders if found to be guilty.

The session came to an end at 1 Pm.

Outcome: The students were able to grasp the importance of Discipline throughout their tenure in the campus.


Date and Time : 17/08/2024, 9.30 Am -11 Am.
Beneficiaries : NUINS Faculty [1]
I Year B.Sc Nursing(10) I year GNM (10) II year GNM(8)

Organizers : Antiragging Committee, NUCSER

Total number of beneficiaries: 29

To create an awareness among students on the preventive measures of Ragging


TheNUCSER Antiragging committee ,organized the Antiragging awareness programme 2024 as a part of antiragging Week on 17/8/2024 in the college premises by Antiragging Awareness March and street play at 9.30 Am. Total of 28 Student representatives from I Year GNM, I year B.Sc and II year GNM and one faculty attended the Antiragging awareness march and street play on the NUCSER premises. The session came to an end at 11 AM.

Outcome: The students were able to grasp the importance of Discipline throughout their tenure in the campus and they were also able to understand the stringent measures adopted by UGC for those who were found to be guilty.

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