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Sunday 19 February 2017

Workshop on “Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Structures” - NMAMIT

The following is a detailed summary of the workshop on“Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Structures”, organized by I.E(I),ISTE, and OCEAN in association with the Dept. of Civil Engineering, NMAMIT, Nitte.

The event was conducted for three days i.e,17 th,19th and 24th of January 2017, from 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM. The venue for the event was “LH 11”, located within the campus.

Registrations: A total of 103 students participated for the event with most of the participants registered well in advance.

Event details:

The workshop was headed by Asst.professor Shanmukha Shetty and Sabyath P Shettyof department of civil engineering.

On the first day,January 17,introduction and working principles of Staad Pro was given and all the basic tools of modelling, editing, and analysis were explained.

On the second day,January 19,analysis of a multi-storey building was explained.Anautocad project model was imported to staad and the analysis was done considering the various loads and special loads like wind loads.

On the last day,January 24, the design of structure was explained with basics of detailing and report preparations

All the students learned to analyse and design structures using staad Pro and certificates were provided for all the workshop participants.


RavalanathaPrabhu M.
Smitha D Shet
Sridevi P

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