Dr. NSAM PUC along with FGC enthusiastically celebrated Kannada Rajyotsava on Thursday, 09-11-17. Dr. Appagere Thimmaraju, Renowned Kannada folk singer, was the Chief Guest for the celebrations. He along with Mr. Rohit Punja, Administrator, NET, and Principals of both FGC and PUC institutions were welcomed by FGC and PUC students who held a procession on the PUC and FGC campus, holding a 100 feet long Kannada flag which was spread like a canopy. They were accompanied by a professional group, who performed the traditional "Dollu Kunitha", along with PUC and FGC girls who were clad in the traditional attire. The Chief Guest along with the other dignitaries unfurled the Kannada flag.
While the flag was unfurled, students sang 'Nada Geete’ that marked the spirit of the day. Dr. Appagere Thimmaraju spoke about the simplicity of Kannada language and encouraged students to learn Kannada and to teach Kannada to other non-native speakers. He also sang songs which carried the spirit of the Kannada language and were received very well by the students. The audiences were spellbound by Dollu Kunitha, Kamsaale performances by the professional artist. Our students also enthralled the audiences by their dance and singing skills.
While the flag was unfurled, students sang 'Nada Geete’ that marked the spirit of the day. Dr. Appagere Thimmaraju spoke about the simplicity of Kannada language and encouraged students to learn Kannada and to teach Kannada to other non-native speakers. He also sang songs which carried the spirit of the Kannada language and were received very well by the students. The audiences were spellbound by Dollu Kunitha, Kamsaale performances by the professional artist. Our students also enthralled the audiences by their dance and singing skills.
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