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Wednesday 12 August 2020

News from NMAMIT | AICTE sponsored STTP series

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (E&CE), NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte has planned an online Short-Term Training Program (STTP) series on ‘Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Applications in Engineering & Technology’ sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi as noted below: 

7th to 13th August 2020: Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Linear Algebra & Probability Basis)

14th to 21st August 2020: Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Statistics and Neural Basis) 

31st August to 5th September 2020: Advanced Topics and Applications of Machine Learning

The online inaugural function of the STTP series was held on 7th August 2020 at Nitte campus. Sri. N Vinaya Hegde, President, Nitte Education Trust, congratulated the E&CE Dept. for organizing the STTP series with funding from AICTE, New Delhi and hoped that the sessions would be productive and beneficial to the participants.

Dr. Ashok Rao, Former Head, Network Project at CEDT, IISc, Bengaluru was the chief guest and resource person for this event. He highlighted the importance of learning mathematical background to understand the concepts of Machine Learning. 

Dr. Niranjan Chiplunkar, in his presidential remarks, stressed on the importance of Machine Learning in engineering and its interdisciplinary nature.

Dr. Rekha Bhandarkar, Head, Dept. of E&CE and Convener of the STTP welcomed the gathering and highlighted the importance of Machine Learning in the current context. 

Dr. Subramanya Bhat, Organising Secretary briefed about the focus of the STTP and introduced the chief guest. Dr. Roopa Hegde, Assoc. Professor, compered the program.

Press release

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