Kannada movie Hadinelentu (2022), written, directed and produced by award winning filmmaker Prithvi Konnanur, under his banner Konnanur Productions, was screened at Bharath Cinemas, Mangalore on 24th April 2024, by Nitte Film Society, the film appreciation club of Nitte Institute of Communication. A private screening at Bharath Cinemas, it was open to the students and staff of Nitte University.
This is the fourth film being directed by Prithvi and premiered at the Busan International Film Festival, South Korea, two years ago.
A sensitively told tale of an incident involving two teenagers and its repercussions, in typical Konnanur style, he leaves it to the viewer to analyse, understand the pressures of each character and why he/she does what they do. Gripping and emotional in turn, the movie stays on the viewers mind long after the show ends.
The screening was followed by an interactive session with the filmmaker, with the audience, visibly moved by what they had just seen on screen, posing questions.
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