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Monday 3 June 2024

News from MRSMEMHS | PTA General Body Meeting

The PTA General Body Meeting 2024-25 was held on 01 June, 2024.

The program started with a prayer by Ms. Padmini followed by the welcome address by Mr. Ajit. PTA President, Mr. Pushparaj Chowta in his address assured to lend assistance to take the school to greater heights.

Principal, Ms. Shreelatha Rao spoke about the crucial role the PTA plays bridging the gap between the students’ home and school. She also set guidelines to be followed by the students.

The guest speaker, Shri. Ramesh B Umarani, Soft Skill Trainer addressed the gathering on ‘Parenting is Responsibility’. He highlighted the SPICE of parenting. i.e. Social, Physical, Intellectual, Creative, Emotional aspects which finally leads to the spiritual development of a child. He urged parents to instill in their children good values, to make them true global citizens, tolerant and kind. The day concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Basil Lobo followed by lunch for all sponsored by the PTA.

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