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Friday 12 July 2024

News from KSHEMA | Scientific session - Postgraduate Case-Based Discussion Program called “Beyond the Textbook” and the 1stPaediatric postgraduate alumni meet 2024

The Department of Paediatrics, KS Hegde Medical Academy organized a scientific session - Postgraduate Case-Based Discussion Program called “Beyond the Textbook” and the 1st PAEDIATRIC POSTGRADUATE ALUMNI MEET 2024 on 15th June 2024 at Avishkar, ABSMIDS. The scientific program included three case discussions chaired by external faculty, Dr. Nutan Kamath, Dr. Shruthi NM, Dr. Leslie Lewis and Dr. Prem Alva and alumni Dr. Siddharth Joshi and Dr. Mithun Varghese. The program was attended by around 50 delegates. Prof. Dr. Aby Dany delivered the welcome address. Interactive session between the alumni and the postgraduates was conducted by Dr Seema Pavaman, HoD, Pediatrics. Dr. Dhrithiman Shetty proposed the vote of thanks.

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