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Friday 8 July 2022

News from NUCSER | A session on ‘Marine Turtles: The Life Around the Sea’ under the “Sustainable Development Goals” initiative of the University

Under the framework of United Nation’s `Sustainable Development Goals’, Nitte University has been putting conspicuous efforts towards sustainable development through teaching, research, outreach and partnerships. In this context, NUCSER, in collaboration with the Youth Red Cross (YRC) Unit of the university, conducted a session on ‘Marine Turtles: The Life Around the Sea’ as a part of the activities under SDG14-Life below water, one of the 17 goals outlined by the UN, on 28th June 2022 at the University Auditorium, Paneer campus.

Mr. PV Sudheer Kumar, Secretary of Naithal, an NGO working towards the conservation of marine turtles at Nileshwaram, Kasaragod, Kerala for the last 23 years, was the resource person of the event. Mr. Sudheer Kumar spoke on different species of turtles found in various parts of the world and apprised the audience about the lifecycle of marine turtles. He explained the paramount effort of their organization towards the conservation of marine life.

The talk was preceded by a formal inaugural function. Dy. Director Prof. (Dr.) Smitha Hegde welcomed the gathering and Dr. Madhu K. Mani, Member Secretary of YRC Unit introduced the resource person of the program. Mrs. Latha S, YRC Co-ordinator of Nitte (DU) was present as the Guest of Honour. Prof. Dr. Anirban Chakraborty, Director NUCSER presided over the function and delivered the presidential address. Ms. Jipsa Ann Philip, Student Vice-Chairman, YRC Unit proposed the vote of thanks.

It was a great learning experience for the students of NUCSER as the topic was quite different from what they usually learn on a day-to-day basis. The event saw enthusiastic participation both by students and staff of the college.


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